We offer support mostly in person, however we can sometimes also offer support over the phone or via email. Usually, we will ask you to visit us in person so we can better assess what your needs are and the support you're after. You don't need a referral, however CCCM can only provide support to those living in the City of Melton. Some of the other organisation's we refer to may have limits on who they can assist but our team can assist you in accessing appropriate services.
The Combined Churches Caring Melton foodbank and budgeting assistance program are free-of-charge (subject to our eligibility criteria) and is open 10am - 2:30pm, Monday to Thursday and 10am - 12:30pm, Friday (closed public holidays). During the school holidays, the foodbank is open from 10am - 2:30pm, Monday to Friday (closed public holidays).
Emergency food relief
Emergency food relief is the core service we provide at CCCM. We provide free emergency food to those in need, adhering to strict eligibility criteria to assist as many people as possible. Local residents can access our foodbank twice a year, with potential for additional visits accessible through our budgeting assistance program.
Our foodbank is available only for City of Melton residents. You must present two forms of ID, including your Healthcare or Centrelink Pension card, each time you visit.
If you reside outside the City of Melton, please contact your local council for food relief options in your area. For those who reside within the Shire of Moorabool area, please contact The Neighbour's Place(Opens in a new tab/window) for assistance.
To access our foodbank, please visit us in person or contact us for more information.
Budgeting Assistance - Home Finance Program
Our Home Finance program empowers clients to easily follow a budget and save for a rainy day, wherever possible. This program promotes financial responsibility and encourages our clients to stay on top of their finances. We encourage the use of Centrepay(Opens in a new tab/window) and provide ongoing support to clients until bills are manageable and under control. Additionally, we offer appointments for Telstra or Salvation Army vouchers when needed.
For more information or to access this program, please contact the team via email to HomeFinance@cccmelton.org.au or call us on 03 9747 6811.
^ Our Home Finance program is available only for City of Melton residents who are clients of our foodbank service.
CCCM Op Shop
Our Op Shop provides low-priced second-hand clothing, bric-a-brac, bags, books and shoes along with other donated items and is co-located with the foodbank, in the front house besides the Melton Lutheran Church.
We have a team of volunteers who manage the Op Shop and work hard to provide great service and help out the local community to find what they need, at a reasonable price.
The CCCM Op Shop is open 9am - 1:30pm, Monday to Friday (closed public holidays). During the school holidays, the Op Shop is open 9am - 12:30pm, Monday to Friday (closed public holidays).
You can check out our Facebook page – search 'CCCM Shop(Opens in a new tab/window)'
If you have any enquiries regarding the CCCM Op Shop, please get in touch with us. Alternatively, you can pop down to the shop during opening hours and we'll be happy to help!
Soul Food
During the school term, we run a free weekly program called Soul Food and offer a nice warm bowl of soup, some fresh bread, and a short Bible reading to nourish both your body and soul.
Find out more information about the Soul Food program here.