The City of Melton's emergency food relief and budget education service.
We support City of Melton residents to get ahead through access to our emergency foodbank and other community programs.
It's never just about the food or the budget help, it’s about recognising the beauty that is in the person and bringing it out so they can be their best
Soul Food is back for 2024
It's time for food, friendship and the bible. Every Wednesday from 12pm - 1pm at CCCM, during the school term.
How we can help
Here at CCCM, we offer many support services such as emergency food, budget education and counselling.
We also refer to external services where required.
Support the foodbank.
Help us continue our vital services to the community, especially during the current cost-of-living crisis. If you can, please help us by donating.
We're a registered charity in Australia - donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.^
CCCM Op Shop
Help support the foodbank by shopping at the CCCM Op Shop for some great bargains! 100% of proceeds support the foodbank.
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2023 in review
^ Combined Churches Caring Melton Inc. (ABN 56 088 223 964 and registration number A0030990P) is a registered charity in Australia. We will send you a tax receipt upon receiving your donation. Refer to your tax professional for further details.