Combined Churches Caring Melton
Combined Churches Caring Melton (CCCM) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping the residents of City of Melton access food support, budget education, counselling and other support services. We are a multi-denomination project seeking to unify our community by showing people the love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ through our services. CCCM work to provide a safe place for anyone experiencing a crisis to access support and we aim to help people in need by walking alongside them to reduce dependency through friendship and education. We do this by teaching skills that offer an understanding of financial and daily planning to empower those who come to us for help to embrace a more secure, socially and financially inclusive future.
The Combined Churches Caring Melton foodbank was set up in 1995 by 9 local Christian churches, in conjunction with Centrelink and the City of Melton, to address a growing need for food support in Melton.
In 2003 the Home Finance Program was introduced to help clients to deal with the complex issues of budgeting and effective communication with service providers. This program has been of great assistance to clients from whom we have heard make the comment that “this is the first time ever that I have had my bills under control!!” In addition, we are now offering our clients free counselling, Hope St services and will continue to refer our clients to other support services where required.
Our old Smith St premises had simply outgrown us and it was time to upgrade. In 2015, we moved into our brand new building on Coburns Rd with support from the Lutheran Church providing us with land.
In 2019, we helped over 14,000 people with more than 2,650 food parcels. Since our inception in 1995, we now support not just over 400 clients that the churches were supporting but we also field an additional 1900+ referrals annually from Centrelink, health services, schools, St. Vincent De Paul, Melton City Council and other support services from local and wider areas.
We can not do this on our own – our local City of Melton community have been fantastic! We have over 85 amazing volunteers that help us to gather food from our surrounding area, stock our shelves, clean and maintain our humble building, mentor, interview and befriend, listen and support, share experiences and ensure that the food is edible at all times – the list goes on.
In addition, we have some amazing supporters and donors which you can find out more about here. If you would like to donate to assist CCCM in helping our local community, please visit our donation page.
The bible is very clear on giving, and all of our staff and volunteers here at Combined Churches Caring Melton (CCCM) endeavour to apply these standards to our service.